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Free Tier

The Reflow Free Tier is a free, no-obligation way of trying out reflow for your team.

In the reflow free tier, all cost management options are enabled, until you decide to upgrade to the paid plan.

  1. Image Retention - In the free tier, the data storage limit is set to 0MB. This means that all screenshots captured from completed runs are deleted after 14 days. Locally cached images are unaffected, and will still be visible when the dashboard is run locally.
  2. Cloud Run Limits - In the free tier, if you go above the allowance of 30 minutes / user / month, no further cloud runs will be executed until the allowance resets. The allowance increases hourly by a fraction of the monthly allowance. Local runs are unaffected, and will still execute.
  3. Concurrency Limits - In the free tier, a maximum of 5 concurrent cloud executions can be run simultaneously.

When you upgrade to the paid plan, all account limits are automatically removed, however can be re-imposed at any time for cost management purposes.

OptionFree TierPaid Tier
Data Storage Limit0MBUnlimited
Cloud Run Limit30 minutes / user / monthUnlimited
Concurrency Limit50 - 100
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