Commands Overview
Usage: reflowio [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
-k --key-file [file-location] Pass an API key file for authentication. (Default: "$HOME/.reflow/api.key" ;
"/reflow.key" where "/" is the root of the git repository for the current working
--require-login Do not search for API keys (default: false)
-v --verbose Enables more detailed logging
-V, --version output the version number
dashboard starts the dashboard process on localhost:3100
diff show changes. available options: [image]
help [command] display help for command
init [options] configures a new reflow folder to be checked into git
pull Extract data from reflow and store it locally
push Push data into reflow
test [options] [test-name] Executes the most recently updated test that matches "test-name" for the provided
whoami Queries the user identity for a given API key
Usage: reflowio dashboard [options]
starts the dashboard process on localhost:3100
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio test [options] [test-name]
Executes the most recently updated test that matches "test-name" for the provided user.
test-name Test Name (exact match)
-p --param [params...] Pass a param (key=value) into the test
-b --browser [browser] Configure browser. Valid options are: chromium, webkit, firefox (default: "chromium")
-d --device-emulation-profile [profile] Configure device emulation profile by name (default: "")
--dry-run Execute the test but do not store the result (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio whoami [options]
Queries the user identity for a given API key
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio pull images [options] [test-name]
Store images locally for a specific test run.
test-name Test Name (exact match)
-r --run-id [run-id] Pull down images for a specific run by id. Defaults to the most recent successful run matching a filter given by the other provided options. When multiple filter options are defined, the resultant run must match all of them.
-p --param [params...] Filter to runs with specific parameters (key=value)
-b --browser [browser] Filter to runs with a specific browser
-d --device-emulation-profile [profile] Filter to runs with a specific device emulation profile (default: "")
--named-only Filter images to only actions with a description
--elements-only Filter images to only element images
--steps-only Filter images to only step images
-f --force overwrite if already exists
-o --out-dir [output-directory] Output into a provided directory, relative to the current working directory (required)
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio pull config [options]
Extract test configuration data from reflow and store it locally in a reflow folder
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio pull snippet [options]
Pull snippet config from reflow and store it locally in a reflow/snippets folder
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio push snippet [options]
Push snippet config from the local snippets folder into reflow. Overrides snippets under the same name in reflow
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: reflowio diff image [options] [png-a] [png-b] [out-file]
Compare [png-a] to [png-b] locally and output to [out-file]. Outputs both a comparison score and diff image. Diff algorithm is SSIM-weighted pixelmatch. Runs locally: no login needed.
-h, --help display help for command